Engel Photography
Engel Photography - How to Make Custom Bokeh Shapes

How to Make Custom Bokeh Shapes

In this video I will show you a very basic way to make a custom Bokeh shape.

Tools used in this video

Creating Custom Bokeh: A Fun Valentine's Day Photography Project

Happy Valentine’s Day, photographers! Today, we’re diving into the world of custom bokeh. If you’re a photography enthusiast, you’ve likely heard the term “bokeh,” but how often do you think about the aesthetic quality of those blurred highlights in your images? Let’s explore how you can craft your own unique bokeh shapes to add a touch of creativity to your photos, perfect for capturing the Valentine’s Day spirit.

Understanding Bokeh
Before we get started, let's clarify the term bokeh. Bokeh refers to the aesthetic quality of the blur produced in the out-of-focus parts of an image, particularly the highlights. Imagine tiny street lights or Christmas lights in the background of a photograph, producing little circles of light. This effect adds a dreamy, artistic quality to photos.

The Pronunciation Debate
First, let's address a common debate: the pronunciation of "bokeh." It’s pronounced “boh-keh,” but you might hear variations like “boh-kay” or “boh-kee.” A linguist once mentioned that while the correct pronunciation is “bokeh,” regional accents might add a twist to it. So, feel free to use the pronunciation that feels right to you!

What You'll Need
To create custom bokeh, you’ll need:

Your camera lens
Razor blades
Black construction paper
A pen or marker

Crafting Custom Bokeh
Prepare the Paper: Start by taking a black sheet of construction paper. Wrap it around your lens and secure it with tape, ensuring it fits snugly.

Cut Out Circles: Draw a circle on the paper, matching the size of your lens. Cut out four circles like this.

Draw Your Shapes: On each circle, draw a heart (or any other shape you prefer). The hole should be about a third of the lens’s diameter. Draw two shapes this size, one smaller, and one larger to see different effects.

Cut Out the Shapes: Carefully cut out the shapes using a razor blade, ensuring you have a cardboard piece underneath to protect your surface.

Create a Light Leak Blocker: Cut a square larger than your circles from another piece of paper. Cut a circle out of the center, creating a frame. Tape this frame to the paper sleeve around your lens to reduce light leaks.

Test and Adjust: Now, it’s time to test your setup. Place your custom bokeh shapes over the lens and take some test shots. Adjust your camera’s focus and aperture to achieve the desired effect.

Experiment and Have Fun
Photography is all about experimenting. Move your lights further back, bring your subject closer, and shoot with a low F-stop to get a shallow depth of field. This setup ensures the lights in the background are out of focus, highlighting the custom bokeh shapes.

Remember, your initial shapes might not be perfect. You can improve your results by refining your shapes or using pre-made hole punchers available at craft stores. These tools can create precise shapes like hearts, stars, and more.

Here are a few sample images showcasing different bokeh shapes. With practice and creativity, you can produce stunning custom bokeh effects in your photos.

Custom bokeh is a fun and creative way to add a unique touch to your photographs, especially for themed events like Valentine’s Day. Take your time to experiment with different shapes and sizes, and most importantly, enjoy the process. Happy shooting, and see you next week!