Engel Photography
Engel Photography - 2009-11-23-153212
📸 James Engel captures the enchanting spectacle of dolphins in action at the Texas State Aquarium in Corpus Christi on November 23, 2009. 🐬✨ 📍 Location: Corpus Christi, Texas, North America, USA 📐 Focal Length: 50mm | 🕰️ Shutter Speed: 1/800 sec | 📷 Aperture: ƒ/9 | 🎞️ ISO: 400 Through the lens of a 50mm focal length, witness the grace and agility of dolphins as they dazzle the audience in a captivating performance at the Texas State Aquarium. 🌊🐬 This photograph invites you to dive into the world of marine wonders, where each flip and splash tells a story of the incredible bond between these intelligent creatures and their human admirers. 🌐👏 #DolphinDance #TexasAquariumMagic #JamesEngelPhotography #MarineLifeWonder #AquaticSpectacle #TexasAdventures #OceanMagic 📷🌟
Photographer: James Engel
Date: Monday, November 23rd, 2009
Focal Length: 50mm
Shutter Speed: 1/800 sec
Aperture: ƒ/9
ISO: 400
Location: North America, The United States of America, Texas, Corpus Christi, Texas State Aquarium
Animal: Animalia

This photo was taken approximately here.