Engel Photography
Engel Photography - 2018-04-23-140620-1
In this enchanting snapshot captured by James Engel on April 23, 2018, the serene beauty of nature unfolds in Washington, USA. With a skillful play of light, James' lens captures a mesmerizing tree line bathed in the golden embrace of sunlight. Taken at a focal length of 24mm and an aperture of ƒ/9, the image perfectly balances clarity and depth. The deliberate shutter speed of 1/50 seconds allows a delicate interplay of shadows and highlights, showcasing the intricate details of each branch and leaf. At an ISO of 100, the photograph is a testament to James' mastery, transforming a simple woodland scene into a symphony of light and shadows. This composition invites viewers to immerse themselves in the tranquil elegance of nature, where the dance of sunlight through the trees becomes a visual poem, echoing the timeless beauty of the North American landscape. #NaturePhotography #SunlitTrees #WashingtonBeauty 🌳📸
Photographer: James Engel
Date: Monday, April 23rd, 2018
Focal Length: 24mm
Shutter Speed: 1/50 sec
Aperture: ƒ/9
ISO: 100
Location: North America, The United States of America, Washington